Gun Reform

Right here in our district, we have experienced the heart-wrenching consequences of gun violence. Recent incidents have shaken our community to its core. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the pressing need for comprehensive gun reform. The time for action is now. ​As a passionate advocate for change, Mahnoor stands firm in her support for meaningful gun reform legislation.

  1. Implement common-sense measures to protect our loved ones and prevent further tragedies. Background checks for prospective gun buyers are a fundamental step in ensuring that firearms do not fall into the wrong hands.
  2. Close the Boyfriend Loophole to prevent domestic abusers from owning a gun.
  3. Investing in the safety of our schools and bolstering mental health resources. By allocating funds for school safety measures and mental health services, we prioritize the well-being of our future generations.
  4. Support the ban and creation of a buyback program for military firearms. These weapons have no place on our streets and pose a significant danger to our community. By taking them off the market, we can work towards a safer, more secure society.